Thursday 13 April 2017

Worm Disease - Please, take care of your child


KEDAH- Bracelet, hook, thread worm, thread and tape between a few worm type that can live in human body.
The worms can live in intestine, blood and human organ until years by getting food through vitamins that found inside intestine during digestive process.
Usually, easier worm infection experienced by children especially if parents does not take take care on cleanliness of children.
Worm infection or the parasite could be infecting children either through nutrition or environment that is dirty.
Infection through nutrition happen when vegetable or fruits that not is washed properly cause worm egg did not come off, apart from practice not wash hand before eating to children while for baby on the other hand often include goods into mouth.
Worm infection also can be gained through environment if the children skin is exposed to worm egg directly, for example does not wear slipper or play sand without supervision.
According to Kulim Hospital Radiology Expert, Kedah Dr. Suraiya Ibrahim, worm disease in children invite various problems, among them loss of appetite eat, fatigue, bloated, allergy, prolonged fever, and respiratory problems.
She explained, between children signs worm disease like fever, headache, poor appetite and have worm in their faeces.
In word, if the infection not treated immediately worried lead to other problems like anaemia, intestine damage and brain.
"Offering of the worm medicine should give to children whether they healthy or not to prevent too thin in early stage.
"Parents should make sure this medicine intake six months once so that worm do not upset process children's growth.
"This is because, worm egg be able to live long in body otherwise killed and will absorb nutrient achieved by children until cause their physical development interrupted," she said.
Dr. Suraiya adds, parents should not miss looking on offering of the worm medicine to children.
Furthermore, offering of the worm medicine needs to be done six months once or once a year with dose that had set so that worm infection can be eliminated.
According to her, children given medicine for worms have physical development that is perfect and orderly compared to on the other hand.
"Vermifuge may be granted six months once with dose measure of 200 milligrams for children below two years, while 400 milligrams for two years old children on," she expressed.
Apart from that, parents reminded to take care of and enhance house cleanliness level and environment besides ensuring vegetables and fruits is washed cleanly.
"If necessary, parents should see doctor to ensure children uninfected chronic worm disease before being harmful," she said.
Need to be reminded, vermifuge not only give to children only, but parents should take it also.

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